2010 – A Fresh Start

I’m happy to say that as a result of focused goal-setting for 2010, an elective  class at TC entitled Literacies and Technologies, and an amazing experience at Educon in Philly, this blog is actually going to be a place I’m proud of. I’ve struggled with finding the time (and I know we all do) to actually do some authentic blogging, but it’s (past) time, so I’m making the commitment.

Just a few minutes ago as I was walking home – braving the snow even though I have thin Southern blood – I realized that I must channel this renewed energy and motivation into something that will last. I must spend time reflecting on what I’m learning now, so when I return to the classroom, blogging/reflective writing will be a  habit and something I naturally model for my students and for the other adults in the school community.

It’s pretty cheesy, but since I’m a teacher, I can get away with it: for me, the snow resembles this renewed outlook and fresh thinking. And, the slippery walk, well, a risk. So, that’s what I’m excited about with this semester (and beyond) – not only academically but personally as well…capitalizing on this energy, seeing it as a fresh beginning, and taking some risks to improve myself as a learner, teacher, and leader. And, when I need a reminder (which I know I will), I’ll take a look at this picture…

chilly in philly